Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I've never been so glad to see a new month.  Somehow a new month means new hope and is one step closer to a new start.  

The end of August doesn't erase the pain, but it's at least the end of one of the worst months of my life.  Today I realized I made it almost all day without tears....that's progress.

As I type,  I still dwell on the what ifs and the things I miss, but I'm trying so hard to be positive.  I keep telling myself it's time to heal. 

I've started reading Secret Sorority and downloaded some other books to see how others have made it through infertility and miscarriage.  I'm determined to come out on the other side with a baby/babies.  I know it's not in my control,  but I can hope and pray and do everything medically/financially possible.

So here's to September.... please be kind!

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