Sunday, November 30, 2014

Green Light

My blood results are back....... and my blood passed!!!!  The aspirin helped and the doc will now let us go back to TTC.


I decided to check my online chart on Thanksgiving and there the results were.  LA negative!  I'll take that over turkey any ole day :) 

And then I was freaking out that Day 1 would happen while my doc was closed for the holiday, but that hasn't happened either!  Thank you God for answering our prayers!

*Happy dance*

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

I finally got to go to a Favorite Things party!   I've always wanted to throw or participate in one, and the invitation arrived a few weeks ago! 

A small group of 7 ladies got together and we had a blast. There were a few kinks in everyone's interpretation of the directions, but we made it work!

I took 3 sets of Shea Moisture Superfruit soap with loofahs and 2 sets of OPI nail polish with hair ties (my friend, Holly, introduced me to these ties and I'm addicted.)  Apparently I was supposed to take 5 different items oops.

Anyway, the loot was all creative and fun.  There were tons of Bath and Body works items, food, alcohol, pampering items, gift cards, cooking items and other odds and ends.

I left with a wine sippy cup with merlot, a Margarita set (Fresca, tequila, lime and citrus squeezer), Jelly Bellys with a lip balm,  Pumpkin Spice maple syrup, and a Mexican feast set. 

My sister left with a Target gift card, ramekins, one of my soap sets, a hair brush and a coffee mug with a 31 mini bag.

There were steals, threats, bartering and cat fights, but we had a blast.  A B&BW gift set was the biggest hit.  I personally wanted an apron that someone brought!

I can't wait to participate in another one!  Thanks to the Huggins ladies for hosting and for the cute peppermint hot chocolate favor :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Macaroni Drama

I'm stressed.  Work is stressful.  Holidays are stressful.  Snow stresses my husband which I find stressful.  And don't even get me started on the stress associated with your husband having an ex wife/baby mama.  So right now waiting for blood work results and thinking about trying again is more than I signed up for.

So after a particularly crappy day in the office, I come home to find that my husband can't find the icing for a cake be baked that we needed to take to a dinner.  I dig through the entire pantry, realize my sister might have gotten it mixed in with her groceries, confirm this and reload the pantry and the last box is a jumbo container of elbow macaroni and it went everywhere.  

So I cry.  I go upstairs and dig out my fat pants and I cry.  I suck it up, go to dinner, wear the first bite of food, and ice the cake.   So I cut myself a therapy slice, take a bite and almost gag.  I have no idea whatsoever what my husband did or didn't do, but the cake tasted like nastiness. 

So now the cake is in the trash.  The elbow macaroni is in the vacuum.  My shirt is soaking.  And I'm contemplating a quick stay in the nut house.   Maybe this is what they mean when they say, "She's lost her noodle."

Tomorrow will be better!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Pottery Painting Fun

We finally had a weekend with nothing planned, so we ventured to our local pottery shop.   I had big plans of participating in their Gobble Til You Wobble platter class, but it was canceled, so I decided to copy another piece instead (I'm not creative folks). 

We drug my Dad and Lisa with us and they actually enjoyed themselves.  I forgot to snap pictures of everything before it was cooked, but here are some action shots and the finished products!

I did the plate.  Keith made the owl mug.  Perry did the football bank. (The first football is the one I came home with originally until we realized my kid didn't have blue paint oops lol) Dad made the large mug.  And Lisa painted an ornament. 

(Please ignore my child's hair....Ugh to horrible haircuts/hairstyles.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Give Me That 2 Week Wait

Every girl that is trying to have a baby knows the torture of the two week wait (the time between ovulation and pregnancy test).  I've watched those 14 days crawl by and I know how anxious I was.... so imagine that multiplied by 6.  That's right, I'm still trudging through the twelve week wait and I'M LOSING MY MIND!

I've never been so excited for blood work in my life.   I want to get the results and get on with things.  We've got a baby to make!  

I should be halfway this week....I still get reminders of what should have been.  I still get choked up when I see other Mamas who are due in March.

Anyway, we're waiting and waiting some more.  Patience Holly patience.  Sigh.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

While We Wait

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was thrilled.  I will admit though that there were two things that I instantly missed:  hot baths and hot dogs.  (Quit judging)

Anyway, since I can't eat hot dogs daily, I've been taking daily hot baths and I'm convinced they're a little bit of heaven on earth, thanks to my latest product discovery from a favorite blog.

I started out with one product and I'm now up to four.  Two ladies on my Christmas list are also getting the products with their gifts.  I can't explain how good these smell!   I honestly want to go buy more, but then I'm crossing into obsessed hoarder status so I'll control myself.  (Now if Target or Ulta have a good coupon, all bets are off.)

So, while we wait, I'll continue to soak and smell these amazing scents and after we finally get our baby, I'll stock up on (more of) their baby line!