Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Weekend Fun

Talk about a whirlwind of a weekend!  I need a few days to help me recover.
Friday night was a trip to the new baseball field to see the WV Black Bears game.  The boys enjoyed themselves and Heidi and I stayed awake (baseball = not my favorite sport).    The fireworks were nice though.
Saturday was spent at the Pittsburg Zoo.  It was HOT but we had fun.
Sunday was spent cleaning house and visiting family from out of town.  And suddenly the weekend was over....
I'm sad to see summer slipping away....and even sadder to see the college kids return ugh.   At least we had one last great weekend :)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

6 Months

6 months ago, I started down the path of Operation Get Healthy.  The scale hit a number that I swore to myself I'd never hit and I freaked out.  

Initially, I ate my feelings and gained a few more, but thankfully I came to my senses and scheduled an appointment with my nutritionist.  She gave me a whole new outlook on how to eat and with the help of MyFitnessPal and my gym buddies, I'm still losing.

I've fallen off the wagon a few times (darn vacations) but I'm still doing alright.  I feel so much better and don't feel deprived.  My joints are definitely loving me a lot more! 

I'll battle my weight until the day I die, but at least right now, I feel like I'm making steps in the right direction.  40 down, way too many to go!

PS:  Please excuse the awful bathroom selfie.  Next time I'll declutter, fix my hair and throw on makeup lol.