Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Past, Present and Future

Well 2013, you’ve been a good year and you’ve been a hard year. 

  1. Celebrated 8 years at Mylan.
  2. Wedding prep
  3. The Big Day – I became Mrs. Holly Riggle
  4. Honeymoon to Outer Banks
  5. Family vacation to Myrtle Beach
  6. Sold my townhouse.
  7. Lived with Keith’s sister for a few months.
  8. Bought our new place.
  9. Sold my beater car and my Kia.
  10. Bought the Honda.
  11. Went to Utah with Uncle Bob.
  12. Met Keith’s friends
  13. Heidi got married
  14. Whitney got married.
  15. Celebrated our first holidays in the new house.
  16. Learned a lot about marriage, parenting, dealing with an ex-wife, and so much more.
  17. My normal heath issues: back, thumb, neck, lack of immune system.
  18. April got married.
  19. Finally made our new house a home.
  20. Struggled with trying to become pregnant.
2014 - I’m not usually big on New Year Resolutions, but I’m going to give it a whirl this year.

  1. Get healthy – I need to lose weight and get in shape.  We’ve started looking at elliptical machines and the South Beach Diet is calling my name.
  2. Cook more healthy meals at home – I’ve gotten a lot better at this with our huge kitchen, but I need to move toward healthier recipes simultaneously.
  3. Get pregnant – I don’t have much control over this one, but darn it we’ll be giving it our best.
  4. Solve my mystery aching problem – I’ve got the doctor appointment scheduled; let’s see if they can solve the mystery.
  5. Pay off Debt – don’t get me wrong, we live very responsibly.  We just have student loans that stress me out.  I’m planning to hit those puppies hard.  I’d also like to get our PMI knocked off the mortgage. 

Happy New Year, Blog Friends!!

Mandatory Christmas Post

Christmas = The best kind of madness there is.

Christmas Eve
  • Keith had to work so I was on my own to run 101 errands. Sams Club, last minute gift buying, last minute helping a friend buy for his wife, wedding flower ordering with my MOH, etc.  Not to mention sorting 101 gifts into piles by house.
  • Hopped in our PJs and headed to Lala’s house for our annual feast and presents.
  • Headed home to open one gift from each other and climb into bed. 
Christmas Day
  • Heidi and Randy came to our house to exchange and watch each other open gifts.  I got spoiled by my husband.

  • We went to Mackel’s house for breakfast and to open gifts.
  • Went to Dad’s house to open gifts.  I unwrapped a quilt from Dad and Lisa that was made of my Mom’s “Jammies” aka Pajamas.  After quite a few tears, we went back to celebrating.

  • Went to Lala’s for lunch.
  • Headed to Mather, PA to see Keith’s sister, Lori and her husband Mike, who were in town.
  • My Secret Santa was unveiled.  Brenda and I got each other’s names in the drawing.  She has good taste i.e. Vera Bradley sunglasses and Bazinga t-shirt.
  • Dropped my brand new cell phone in the gravel and busted the screen (hence the very limited pictures on this post ugh).
  • Went home to be good little elves and prepare for Perry’s arrival the next day.

Day After Christmas
  • Keith went to pick up Perry in PA while I cooked breakfast for his family and mine.
  • The whole gang arrived and we devoured food while torturing Perry since his gifts were under the tree from Santa and everyone else.
  • Perry unwrapped gifts for a solid hour.
  • Can you tell he's excited even though this is super blurry?
  • The family trickled out the door and we continued our toy marathon.
The rest of the weekend consisted of spending gift cards, running errands, more playing, being lazy, inviting April, Jim and Nathan over for a play date, breaking out the new board games (Fibber and HedBanz), dinner at Heidi and Randy’s house, Law and Order SVU marathon, laundry, chores and a bunch of other excitement. 
It was a great first Christmas as a family in our new home.  We made great memories and enjoyed a simple life for a few days.  We missed those who weren’t with us, but enjoyed celebrating with all those who were there.

Happy Birthday Jesus….thank you for this wonderful life you have graced me with. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Birchbox Bust

Well, Birchbox was a big ole Scrooge this month.  I am hoping this is not the new norm.  The box was small and pretty dull.  I would normally post a picture of the goods, but I got a new phone (I won’t miss an announcement again, Jenni) and the picture I snapped is stuck on the old one, so you will have to use your imagination. 

Camille Beckman Glycerine Hand Therapy:  First off, it has made me sing a song by my beloved Bush.  This stuff smells and feels amazing.  I’ve coated up my hands and elbows (they’re close enough to my hands) several times and then sniff myself continuously.   My hands are a little less dry, but it hasn’t saved me from the winter cracked cuticles. 

Harvey Prince Hello Perfume:  Smells great and seems to last throughout the day.  Will definitely use up the tube, but won’t be rushing out to purchase.

Jouer Lip Gloss: Again, I will wear lip stick or lip gloss at my funeral, not before then.  This will be passed along to my family members.  Note:  Dear Birchbox, PLEASE give an opt out option for certain categories aka don’t send me lip junk!!

Klorane Dry Shampoo:  When I saw this, I instantly said ugh.  I’ve had horrible luck with dry shampoo in the past.  It usually makes my hair greasier and oilier.  This one on the other hand seemed to help.  I managed to leave the house with Day 3 hair (just to run an errand) and at no point did I see my reflection and wince. 

Fatty Sundays Toasted Coconut Pretzel Sample:  First off, my pinky finger is bigger than this thing and second off it was dry.  Please note I normally don’t whine about food, but after the huge candy bar last month, this was a bit of a letdown. 

So there you have it, the mini box for Christmas.  Maybe the Grinch got the good stuff, because Holly surely didn’t.  You better step it up Birchbox, or I will be adding “Cancel unnecessary memberships” to my New Years Resolution list. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

You Always Want What You Don't Have

Today someone peed in my Wheaties…shocking, I know.  I got my feathers all ruffled and growled at Facebook and just wanted to smack someone.  As the day has gone on, I keep dwelling on it and really don’t know what to feel. 

Let’s back up.

Facebook post from an acquaintance: “Why do people think it’s okay to say things like ‘you look like you’re going to pop to a pregnant woman?’”  Simple enough statement, right?  Well then why does it evoke such anger in me?!?  Quite simply: Jealousy.

Let’s back up again.  I don’t doubt that pregnancy is hard, scary, miserable, overwhelming, emotional, etc.  I don’t doubt that growing a human is hard hard work.  I’m not naive.  I do, however, think you have to be ready for some of those basic “things people say” and roll with the punches. 

Back to topic:  Sweetheart, I would love for someone to say something like that to me.  I’d love to have carried a baby to term and my body be showing it.  I’d love to know that the little baby I have prayed for was so close to be being born.  My cousin who just had a miscarriage surely would say the same thing. 

Which brings me to my thoughts after I calmed down; we all want what we don’t have.  The pregnant girl wants to feel thin again, the girl who wants to be a mother wants a belly.  It’s easy to get mad when you read others complain about something you want so badly. 

Please don’t think I am playing innocent here.  I am as guilty as the next person.  I complain about my husband; I complain about my job; I complain about a lot of stuff.  Some single girls would love to find a man as good as the one I married; some unemployed people would love to have my job.  It’s something I need to work on myself. 

In the meantime, I’ve added “You look like you’re ready to pop” to my list of things not to say.  It’s not quite as high up as “When are you guys going to have kids,” but it is on there.  I think I’ve calmed down, but just wish people would look at things from both sides of the story and realize that someone wants what they’re complaining about….

Friday, December 13, 2013

Endangered Gift Cards

I know I shouldn’t bring up such a controversial topic this close to Christmas, but I’m a rebel like that.  Please tell me this….when did gift cards get such a bad rep?!?!  I blame Scrooge and the retail world. 

To do my part to help kill the lies, rumors and fibs, here is my list of 10 reasons thoughtful gift cards make the ultimate gift (in no particular order).

  1. They kill the guilt.  When someone gives me cash, I feel that I need to pay bills or save it for some unforeseen emergency.  With gift cards, poof no guilt. 
  2. They save you from the return line.  Those things are a beast around the holidays so I avoid them like the plague.
  3. Let’s be honest…I despise cheap candles, fleece PJs, most bath products, processed meat and any of the other “what do I buy her fill in” gifts.  If you can’t find something personal, just give me the gift card.  Sorry, I know that sounds catty.
  4. The deals are always better after the holidays.  That $25 dollar sweater just got turned into 2 sweaters, a scarf and socks after the holidays when I buy it with my gift card.
  5. You get fuel points folks.  Who doesn’t love saving money on gas when you buy them from the local grocery/gas conglomerate?
  6. They’re much easier to wrap.  There are no weird corners, running out of tape or trying to find the perfect box.
  7. They encourage date nights.  I’m not going to hold my dinner and movie gift cards hostage and exclude my husband, so they give us an excuse to go on a date.
  8. They force you to try something new.  I’ve tried quite a few new restaurants and stores thanks to gift cards.
  9. They allow you to fib a little.  (i.e. This conversation:

Husband: Where are you?
Wife: Starbucks
Husband: Again?
Wife: Honey, I have a gift card.
Husband: Oh, ok.  Enjoy.

*Note if anyone ever tells the husband that I have reloaded the aforementioned gift card at least 5 times since he bought it, I will block you from my blog.)

  1. They make for a great surprise down the road when you discover a forgotten, misplaced card and get to go shopping!!  (not that I have done this…no no)

So there you have it, Holly Riggle’s argument to save the Endangered Gift Card.  I’m off to buy a few myself after work.  Two restaurants, Cabela’s and ITunes - The recipients will surely appreciate me not trying to pick out ammo or buy them a salami log or unwanted CD. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dr. Personality MD

So the big day came and went for us to visit the Reproductive Medicine clinic.  I walked in scared to death (and sick), but luckily a friendly face greeted us.  The receptionist did our basic check-in and joked on whether I was still single (per my records) or if the man standing beside me happened to be my husband.  That helped calm me down.  Then our check-in nurse took us back and continued to be very fun and welcoming.  I started to think that things wouldn’t be so bad.

Next up was a round of 101 embarrassing questions by the PA, who was also pretty friendly.  My nerves had calmed down by this point.  Enter, Dr. Personality.  He barely grunted out names, avoided eye contact and immediately made me feel stupid.  “Why are you here, you haven’t been trying for a year.”  Well, I’m here because my doctor sent me and feels that I need to be here……HELLO, do you think this is where I want to be sitting?!?! 

So next, I’m dragged into a room with 3 people for the most uncomfortable ultrasound ever and again butted heads with him when I tried to tell him about my “special ovary” that wants to live in my ribcage.  He ignored and tortured me for a while longer before we finally tried things my way.  What do ya know….he found it instantly?  Jerk. 

So we make our way back to the room to discuss options.  Basically, he thinks we are jumping the gun.  I disagree.  I ask about the male analysis.  He says the urologist isn’t in the office……um, then why did I have to bring my husband and have him “prepared” for this test?!?!  So, he volunteers to do a half analysis himself (and states we'll be charged for it....um duh) and says he will call us later.

We leave, frustrated.  A few hours later, we receive a call.  We have a male factor diagnosis added on at this point.  Suddenly, Dr. Personality agrees that trying “naturally” for another 5 months doesn’t seem like the best idea.  So, we have another analysis next week and then we start talking washing/IUI/future plans.  I’m still annoyed that they don’t want to look at my tubes like my original (sweet) doctor recommended, but then again, at least they are doing something. 

So, that’s where we are right now…..frustrated but hopeful.  We're hoping at this point that two wrong reproductive systems make a right (i.e. baby). lol

Friday, December 6, 2013

Brain Dump

Life hasn’t exactly been exciting enough to write about lately….I consider this a good thing.  December usually stresses me out….like doctors have to write prescriptions, but this year I’m just not going to get all worked up. 

So instead I’ll write about all of the randomness that is swimming in my head.  Note: You may want medication before you try to follow all this rambling.

  1. I am finally on a treatment plan to get my thumb approved for surgery.  I’m tired of trying to operate with a dud for a left hand, so I put on my big girl panties and am working on it.  A few weeks of OT, followed by some injections (they say they won’t help anything, but the insurance requires you to try) and then we can talk about fixing the darn thing.  I try not to think about them breaking bones, drilling holes and lacing it all back together with tendons…gag!!
  2. We’ve been entertaining in our new kitchen!!!  So far we have hosted some of my people, some of Keith’s people, our old neighbor, Lindsay, friends Dave and Tonya, my MOH, April and her fiancé, my friend from VA,  Jenni, and some other friends, Chris, Jenna and Tayton. I love having the space to cook (or cheat and order take-out) and spend time with these people that we care about…. (PS...don't judge my punctuation, I suck at commas).
  3. Keith’s mom has been having mild, mini strokes.  It is scary, but also a relief to finally know what is going on with her.  I struggle not to butt in and try to “fix” it, but I keeping reminding myself that it isn’t my place (trust me, I struggle).  It hurts me to see him worry about her, even though he tries to maintain his positive thoughts plan (which can drive me plain batty sometimes). 
  4. We are meeting with a doctor at the Reproductive Medicine clinic next week.  I am excited, but super nervous.  Filling out the paperwork was exhausting, but we’re hopeful that we get some answers. 
  5. I am really close to being finished with Christmas shopping.  Hoping by the end of the weekend to have everything bought and wrapped!!
  6. We are participating in the Hoss Foundation Gift Program again this year.  We basically get to wrap gifts for those in need and help deliver them.  Last year, seeing the relief and appreciation in a single mother’s eyes and having her hug us, was by far the best part of Christmas.  I can’t wait to participate again this year. 
  7. Our friends brought us a gorgeous Christmas arrangement last night…something about it reminded me of my Mom and it felt very comforting. 

  8. Our builders are finally fixing stuff for us.  Perfect timing considering a rack on our master closet collapsed…gggrrrr.

  9. We’re doing Secret Santa at work…..mine is kicking butt so far.  Pampering items and candy another day, doesn’t get much better. 

  10. My cousin announced her pregnancy a few weeks ago and then after Thanksgiving announced her miscarriage.  My heart was completely broken for her….she buried her son who was almost 2 weeks old, then had a premature daughter who is perfect in every way now, and then this.  They are going to try again, and I pray this time that everything goes well for them.
  11. I have recently discovered Pentatonix and pretty much think they are fabulous…I am loving their Christmas station on Pandora. 
  12. We are going to Kohl’s and Muriales tonight….life is grand!!
  13. I need to stop rambling so I can accomplish something else today.  However, I am using this rambling to distract myself because I REALLY want to order Pottery Barn personalized stockings for me, Keith and Perry….no Holly, NO!!!

    Wouldn't Holly, Perry and Keith look nice on those?!?!

    Happy Friday!!!! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Turkey lurkey doo and Turkey lurkey dap

It’s time for a good ole fashioned Thanksgiving Recap. 

Rise and Shine
Stop for the annual Black Friday Sales newspaper

Lala’s house for lunch
Formulation of Operation Black Friday plan
Keith runs to pick up Perry
Meet Uncle Bob who is in town to surprise everyone (except his co-planner – me)
Dinner at Kathy’s house
Drop the boys off at home and head out to shop around 10:30pm with Heidi and Lindsey
Target, Wal-Mart, Mall, Bed Bath and Beyond, Sams, Rite Aid, Michaels….just to name a few

Somewhere along the way Thursday fades into Friday
We took a nap around 4am for about an hour and then got up and went again. 
Finally came home around 10am to shower and nap
Up again at 4pm for pedicures….this is my favorite part of Black Friday traditions….the massage makes it all melt away.
Pizzas and family time
Early bedtime
*Note: Normally this would have been tree decorating day, but I cheated this year and put it up the week before Thanksgiving.  The late Thanksgiving this year was just not acceptable….I needed some early cheer!
Please ignore the painter's tape we have in place for the Drywall Repair Appt.

Wrapped some gifts
Game day – took Perry to his first Mountaineer Football game.  We about froze so we headed out around halftime.

Dinner with friends
Home to recover from lack of sleep

Woke up sick….oh happy day!!  Spent the day in bed watching Bones and cuddling kittens.