Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Walls Are Closing In

I'm completely out of sorts lately.  I'm agitated,  anxious, emotional, paranoid and panicky.   I'm weepy and feel like there's a huge weight on my chest.  Best part,  I'm adding hormones into that mix starting today.  

I have no idea what's going on.  I think so many things are just building up and adding up.   Every where I turn something else throws me a pregnant cat a few counties away chewed her paw off to escape from a live trap.   I'm ready to send our life savings for her care and to pack her and the whole litter home.   I might need to unfriend the Pet Rescue pages for a while.

I'm lost.   I don't know what to do about the potential upcoming IUI.   I don't know if I should quit my AS drugs if we're not even sure if it's a go.   I'm panicking.  

I just feel distant from everyone.  I hate that feeling.   It's lonely and depressing. 

So the moral of this whine fest is,  I'm down and out this week.   The weekend will be better.... Next week will be better.  I'll allow myself a little more Scandal on DVD therapy and then I'm dragging myself out of this funk. 

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