Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Day In The Life

I love reading these posts on other blogs so I figured why not give people a glance into the overwhelming excitement that is my life. (Sarcasm)

4:00am: Husband wakes me up to tell me he can't sleep. 

4:01am:  I put the gun away and resist shooting him.

5:45am: My alarm goes off.

6:15am: I actually drag myself out of bed.  The kittens protest.  The zombie walk begins aka getting ready for work.

You're jealous of my "face washing hair wrap, aren't you?
As you can see there are many products to be used up.  And the pile of wash cloths to the right is caused by a missing laundry basket.

Used up another sample...I consider this an accomplishment in my Spring cleaning.

Did some quick shifting of the bedroom so the painter can paint while we are at work.
7:00am: Go downstairs to pack lunch, feed cats, find caffeine, do assorted chores, and grumble about chores that have to wait until tonight.

There's the missing laundry basket.

Of course while making my salad the kittens scream for lunch meat!

She is ADDICTED to this toy.  We had to get a second because if the first one dies, she will mourn herself to death.

I do my kitty servant duties and put more food in the bowls so they can throw it on the floor.
Yes, I still do Netflix mailers....don't judge!
7:15am: Morning commute with k-love.
Traffic as usual

That's a little blurry, but driving and blogging is tricky

7:28am: Score VIP parking and run for the door

I could feel Security laughing at me while taking this picture.  

7:30am: Review calendar, read emails, put on my face (makeup) during a call with Ireland. 

Today it is just the basics...
Someone needs to clean up her cube.
12:00pm: Shove food in my mouth during another call.  Who schedules calls during lunch? SO sleepy!
Awkward yawning selfie

3:30pm: End of the workday woohhhoooo! Errands - gas,  Sam's Club, bank 

More traffic
Loving these cheaper gas prices!
5:00pm: Dinner with the husband at Cheddars (yeah there aren't pictures of that....far too hungry)

6:00pm: Home to put our nearly painted bedrooms back together and to hang pictures in my son's room.

Finally back together with some new wall decor.
A fresh coat of paint goes a long way.  Now I need to get the spring cleaning done in here.
7:00pm: Laundry and chores
The laundry never stops.
8:00pm: The Bachelor and ice cream
I had to eat this before The Biggest Loser started!
9:00pm: The Biggest Loser
She likes to watch commercials
10:30pm: Bedtime...even before the finale ended.  Goodnight! 

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