Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I Jumped on "The Bachelor" Bus

Call it too much free time.  Call it looking for distractions from the TWW.  Call it whatever, but I crossed over and gave "The Bachelor" a whirl.  And.... I'm hooked. 

Farmer Chris is a cutie and these women are slightly crazy.  Sounds like the perfect way to kill some time. 

My thoughts on the cast:

-I like Whitney,  the fertility nurse, but I might just be biased towards those who help infertile women.  She does seem sweet though and she offered to help inseminate his animals so she gets my vote.

-Britt is the prettiest and definitely deserved her rose.  Kelsey is pretty and stands out too.

-Tracy, the 4th grade teacher, also gets my vote for threatening to be the crazy cat lady if she doesn't find love.

-The Crazy Awards go to Ashley S, Tara and Kaitlyn.  I was super annoyed that he kept them all.  Boy must like train wrecks.

-What in the world was Brittany wearing?  Lingerie never doubles as a dress - Ew.

-Girls dropping the F bomb isn't cute.

So there are my thoughts.  I'm kinda excited for the next episode.....I'm so ashamed lol.

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