A month has passed since I wrote the post about being Stuck. Guess what? Nothing has changed.
Every day I wake up and there's a big fat pink elephant in the room and nobody wants to talk about it. Sometimes I force the conversations that lead us no where. Some days I request information on adopting/fostering and I leave the package tucked out of sight. Occasionally, I check savings accounts and do the math around IVF. I'll even admit some days that I secretly hope that since we've "quit trying" that maybe it will magically happen.
My gynecologist mentioned she'd keep us in mind if she stumbled across a mother who needed a family for her child. That gave me hope for a day or two. Then reality set in.
I need to rip off the bandaid. We need to make some decisions. Can someone, anyone tell us what to do?!? Do we flip a coin? There aren't just two options so that won't solve anything. Maybe rock paper scissors will work?!?