Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Disclaimer: I freak out easily, I want things done now now now, I have a certain way I want them done too… saying that, this method of madness has worked for me for 31+ years, so why fix what isn’t broke?!? Lol

Anyway, not my point. 

When I get my mind focused on something, I have a tendency to beat the dead horse, and then kick it a few times just for good measure.  So, we scheduled an appointment at The Meadows to see the house they are building that would be very similar to ours.  Keith was hospitalized for a brief stay (heart scare – he’s fine whew) and we had to reschedule.  So finally, July 3 arrived and we went to see our home.  I left there completely disappointed.  There are so many things that didn’t match the picture in my head…..the living room is small, the dining room is almost non-existent, the master bedroom and bath are a joke and the “modification” to move the laundry upstairs only further cut into our space.  Basically, it wasn’t our dream home. 

So we left, I shed a few tears and then I called in my MOHs….I decided that April and Heidi could fix it or talk me off the ledge (see Disclaimer above).  So we drove back out and walked through again.  I think I left there liking it even less.  I feel claustrophobic in that house....there is not room for our existing furniture, there is not room to put a pack and play by the bed one day (God willing), there is not a big space to host friends and family for dinner… just isn’t right. 

So I left again and really started feeling sorry for myself.  Then I remembered what I had planned for that evening.  I went to Kroger and Wal-Mart to gather groceries and went home so Heidi, Keith and I could make casseroles, dips, meatloaf, etc.  I wish they were for a dinner party or a shower or something fun, but in this case they weren’t.  That night we cooked for a close friend of Keith’s who is caring for his young children while his wife goes through chemo for Stage 4 colon cancer.  The moment I remembered that, I just forgot about the house. 

Suddenly walls, windows, square footage, etc. didn’t seem important.  Taking care of our friends and loving them in a way that so many people loved Dad, Heidi and I was all that mattered.  So we mixed, shredded, stirred, stuffed and were thankful we were all healthy enough to do so. 

On Thursday morning, we delivered the food, mowed their yard for them and sat back and chatted with their family.  The house was the last thing on my mind.  Don’t get me wrong, the house crept back in there as the weekend went on, but suddenly I’m not spazzing as much, I’m just going with the flow the best that my personality allows.

I’ve always hated when people tell you “someone else has it much worse than you,” I think it is cold and uncaring.  Everyone is allowed to be upset, we have a right to be sad, and yes in reality, there is always someone else in a far worse situation BUT it doesn’t make your heart hurt any less to be told that.  So I guess, the point of saying all this is, sometimes when things seem to be “the end of the world as you know it,” take the time to do something for someone else who is walking a rough road.  It quickly puts a lot into perspective……

Sidenote - links to two of the recipes we tried....Thank You Pinterest!!
Easy Meatloaf
Dorito Taco Bake

We also made Sausage Stuffed Shells, Mexican Rigatoni and Buffalo Chicken Dip. 

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