
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

You Always Want What You Don't Have

Today someone peed in my Wheaties…shocking, I know.  I got my feathers all ruffled and growled at Facebook and just wanted to smack someone.  As the day has gone on, I keep dwelling on it and really don’t know what to feel. 

Let’s back up.

Facebook post from an acquaintance: “Why do people think it’s okay to say things like ‘you look like you’re going to pop to a pregnant woman?’”  Simple enough statement, right?  Well then why does it evoke such anger in me?!?  Quite simply: Jealousy.

Let’s back up again.  I don’t doubt that pregnancy is hard, scary, miserable, overwhelming, emotional, etc.  I don’t doubt that growing a human is hard hard work.  I’m not naive.  I do, however, think you have to be ready for some of those basic “things people say” and roll with the punches. 

Back to topic:  Sweetheart, I would love for someone to say something like that to me.  I’d love to have carried a baby to term and my body be showing it.  I’d love to know that the little baby I have prayed for was so close to be being born.  My cousin who just had a miscarriage surely would say the same thing. 

Which brings me to my thoughts after I calmed down; we all want what we don’t have.  The pregnant girl wants to feel thin again, the girl who wants to be a mother wants a belly.  It’s easy to get mad when you read others complain about something you want so badly. 

Please don’t think I am playing innocent here.  I am as guilty as the next person.  I complain about my husband; I complain about my job; I complain about a lot of stuff.  Some single girls would love to find a man as good as the one I married; some unemployed people would love to have my job.  It’s something I need to work on myself. 

In the meantime, I’ve added “You look like you’re ready to pop” to my list of things not to say.  It’s not quite as high up as “When are you guys going to have kids,” but it is on there.  I think I’ve calmed down, but just wish people would look at things from both sides of the story and realize that someone wants what they’re complaining about….

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