I know I shouldn’t bring up such a controversial topic this close to Christmas, but I’m a rebel like that. Please tell me this….when did gift cards get such a bad rep?!?! I blame Scrooge and the retail world.
To do my part to help kill the lies, rumors and fibs, here is my list of 10 reasons thoughtful gift cards make the ultimate gift (in no particular order).
- They kill the guilt. When someone gives me cash, I feel that I need to pay bills or save it for some unforeseen emergency. With gift cards, poof no guilt.
- They save you from the return line. Those things are a beast around the holidays so I avoid them like the plague.
- Let’s be honest…I despise cheap candles, fleece PJs, most bath products, processed meat and any of the other “what do I buy her fill in” gifts. If you can’t find something personal, just give me the gift card. Sorry, I know that sounds catty.
- The deals are always better after the holidays. That $25 dollar sweater just got turned into 2 sweaters, a scarf and socks after the holidays when I buy it with my gift card.
- You get fuel points folks. Who doesn’t love saving money on gas when you buy them from the local grocery/gas conglomerate?
- They’re much easier to wrap. There are no weird corners, running out of tape or trying to find the perfect box.
- They encourage date nights. I’m not going to hold my dinner and movie gift cards hostage and exclude my husband, so they give us an excuse to go on a date.
- They force you to try something new. I’ve tried quite a few new restaurants and stores thanks to gift cards.
- They allow you to fib a little. (i.e. This conversation:
Husband: Where are you?
Wife: Starbucks
Husband: Again?
Wife: Honey, I have a gift card.
Husband: Oh, ok. Enjoy.
*Note if anyone ever tells the husband that I have reloaded the aforementioned gift card at least 5 times since he bought it, I will block you from my blog.)
- They make for a great surprise down the road when you discover a forgotten, misplaced card and get to go shopping!! (not that I have done this…no no)
So there you have it, Holly Riggle’s argument to save the Endangered Gift Card. I’m off to buy a few myself after work. Two restaurants, Cabela’s and ITunes - The recipients will surely appreciate me not trying to pick out ammo or buy them a salami log or unwanted CD.
#11 If you have friends or family who travel for holidays, gift cards are very easy to bring back with them!
ReplyDeleteGood one!! I think our argument is ready to go national =)