Friday, April 3, 2015

What A Day

It's been a Friday for the books.  I surely didn't see this one coming.  I don't expect anyone to read this, but I'm writing it anyway.

6:30: So rudely woken up by the husband.
8:15: Black load of laundry meets tissue in pocket
8:45: Head to Panera for mango iced tea um I mean breakfast. 
10: Hubby informs me he needs emergency root canal. Rush to the dentist and make myself cozy in waiting room.
12: Finally leave the dentist office. 
12:15: Sit down with stoned husband, order food and he realizes he has a 1pm meeting.   Food is boxed up and we leave.
1: Target, Sams Club - great deal on a brisket and Keith's beloved breakfast sandwiches.  
3: Home to put away groceries
3:30: Pedicure with sister (pretty pale pink)
5: Mall with sister to find wedding attire.  Discover missing diamond in engagement ring so drop it off for warranty work.
6:30: Call husband for dinner order.  Doesn't want anything.  I drive near our house to get my chicken salad ole and call him to tell him I'm homeward bound and guess who wants food? From the restaurant beside the mall I just left. 
7:30: Finally swallow my (cold) dinner whole.
8:15:  Discover not one but two piles of dried cat poop under our spare bed. (Just keeping it real folks)
8:30: Climb in bathtub to soak and pray that tomorrow will be calmer lol.

Days off work are exhausting!