Saturday, March 7, 2015

To Eat or Not To Eat

Friday marked officially losing 10lbs (on my own scale) so I updated my FitnessPal app and the meanie took away calories from my goal.  I pretty much hate it right now. 

Those extra calories have always covered my night time snack of popcorn or pretzels and losing that makes me cranky. 

I've spent today sulking and using my "I need fed voice" as Keith so lovingly pointed out.  I've contemplated jumping headfirst off the wagon, but so far I've stayed on. 

I'm just not feeling satisfied today.  For breakfast, I had coffee, strawberries,  yogurt and chia seeds.  I wanted a scone from our favorite bakery (589 calories....that almost made me cry).  For lunch, I wanted a Pittsburgh Turkey Sandwich (869 calories without the ranch dressing I wanted to drown it in.) Instead I had grilled chicken, salad and soup.   For dinner, I wanted pizza.  Oh sweet pizza, but instead I had a turkey wrap and pretzels. 

I've not had a day this frustrating since I started eating healthy.  I'm not sure if the fries yesterday started this struggle, if it's a weekend thing, if it's a hormonal thing or what the heck caused it, but I'm hungry and angry and I shamefully might have shed a tear earlier out of frustration. 

I'm completely full right now but I'd kill for ice cream. Or a brownie.  Or that 589 calorie scone.  Please someone save me from myself lol.

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