
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

I feel like yelling "Man down.  Man down. What's been hit?" and dramatically falling to the ground.   The pregnancy announcements y'all... they're flying at me from every angle.   I feel like everyone I know had one big baby making convention and I missed the memo.  


There is usually a break between the announcements.  This month they're constant.

Let's review their social media methods, shall we?

We Prayed, God Answered:  Um, can you pray for me too please, because I pray and obviously get a very different answer.

The Upcoming Movie Poster:  Yeah, I could make a movie too, featuring an ultrasound-wand fight scene and crazy girl meltdowns.

Only Child Expiring: What a coincidence, apparently my eggs are expiring too!

Santa Baby Shirt: Note to Self-You need to beg Santa too apparently.  Pray to God and Bribe Santa - check!

These are just a few that came to mind, not even mentioning the 16 YES 16 friends who are farther along. 

So after what seems like a bitter rant, let me just say I'm happy for these ladies.  Some of them have waited a long time for their miracles, but sheesh, let's go a day or two without a kill shot, shall we? 

Oh and please say a prayer for a friend of mine who is hoping and praying for a Christmas miracle of her own.  Santa, bring her a BFP for Christmas, please (I'm willing to barter with cookies.)   :)

Merry Christmas Everyone!  

1 comment:

  1. I'm linking up with:
    Thank you for hosting the link up and MERRY CHRISTMAS =)
