Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Garden Goodies

I love garden vegetables.  I love them even more when I don't have to do the dirty work, but get to eat the goods!

Ever since I was a kid,  I've loved canning.  I'd clean and snap a mess of beans like a pro.   Luckily,  my sister has continued the tradition and I've got to can some this year.

So far we've done pepper mustard and pickles.  Salsa, pepper rings,  green beans and some other concoctions are in our future.  

We've also got some fried zucchini and cucumber salad added to meals too!  And my cousin hooked us up with red potatoes and green beans for dinner this week.  Yum! 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Change Change Change (Look Back #4)

Pregnancy is no joke.  I feel like my body has been taken over.   I'm not complaining,  but simply want to remember everything so blogging accomplishes that.  Here's the TMI blog of the week.

Week 5
-The girls hurt.....I notice it more at night and when the kittens pounce on them.
-Bloating and gas....I feel like a very classy sea cow.
-Sleeplessness and peeing constantly through the night.  I splurged on the Boppy body pillow and I'm in love already.
-Nauseous and super sensitive to smells.  I've almost lost my cookies several times.
-Sleepy!  Yawn yawn yawn. 
-Itchiness and break outs.  My skin isn't exactly glowing right now lol.
-Dry eyes.  Like considering wearing my glasses in public dry.
-Temperature fluctuations: hot cold.  Roasting shivering.  Sweating goose bumps.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Sweetness (Look back #3)

I came home yesterday to flowers,  a card and a bracelet from my Baby Daddy.  He's so sweet.  And he cooked and served me dinner.  

Of course,  later in the evening he asked if I'd be whining the entire 9 months, so that voided all the sweetness above.  (I was tempted to put his boobs in a vice grip so he'd understand the complaints a bit more.)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sinking In (Look Back #2)

It's slowly oh so slowly sinking in.  Some times I want to assume fetal position and other times I can't quit smiling.  

I'm obsessed with Etsy, Pinterest and reading everything I can find.  

I had so much fun telling Keith.  I wrapped up the baby booties and wrote out his card and made him come upstairs.  His reaction and face were priceless.  It was everything I've dreamed of.

We ran errands and I convinced him I had to tell one person.  So off to Heidi and Randy's house we went.  We had a farm baby book and an Aunt picture frame in tow.   Heidi screamed loud enough to wake the county and we of course had to work on naming the kid lol.  

We finally got home late that night and I tossed and turned most of the night.  Being a Mommy-to-be is hard work lol.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Dream Come True (Look Back #1)

July 23, 2014

How do you document the day you never saw coming?   The day you've only dreamed about.

I woke up on Wednesday morning and decided to take another pregnancy test.  My period was still MIA, but I had been long overdue before on the meds.   I did the test and laid it aside.  I finally picked it up and holy cow there was a shadow.  I kept staring and the shadow looked more like a line.  I think I quit breathing.

I continued getting ready and freaking out.  I didn't know it was possible for so many thoughts to run through my head.  I finally thought to call the doc, but they didn't open for another hour.

So, off to work I went.  I immediately called the doc and they squealed with me and told me to come right in.   20 minutes later,  I was happily getting stabbed.  I squealed some more with the ladies at the office and headed to Starbucks to get my last coffee (just incase.)

I stalked my phone for almost two hours when it finally rang.  My sweet nurse Vicki said, "Well, you're definitely pregnant.  Your level is 1,316 so you're good and pregnant.  We don't even need to repeat your bloodwork." 

Next up was the call back to schedule my ultrasound.  August 4th.... You can't come soon enough.  And thank you kind receptionist (Misty, I think) for squealing with me yet again.

Now I've had to sit at work all day.  I'm dying to scream "I'm Pregnant" at the top of my lungs.  I've picked up the phone 101 times.  I can't explain the emotions.

I've read tons of websites, browsed big brother shirts and pregnancy announcements, and about lost my mind.  I am dying to tell Keith.  I've never been so excited about something.

I'm.  Pregnant.    ME.   It's not someone else this time it's us.   I'm a Mommy.

Oh sweet doodlebug.... Please be healthy and here to stay.   Your Mama loves you more than words can explain. 

Please note: Yes,  pee sticks,  awful selfies and bloodwork site pics are tacky,  but I can't help it......I refuse to miss any part of documenting this day!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Roosuphus George Harold Turns 9

Happy Birthday to my favorite little furry boy.   I love you very much you little blue jean loving,  basket and bag dwelling, temperamental million dollar kitty.  You're completely misunderstood, but your Mama knows how sweet and cuddly you really are.

Friday, July 11, 2014


Keith yelled from the driveway, "Look Perry my box arrived",  so of course I grabbed it and checked out my loot.  It's a good month :)

Beauty Protector Protect and Treat Mask: I like this brand and was excited to see 2 containers in the box!  This stuff smells great and I'm always on board for anything that helps my broken hair.  The 20 minute wait to rinse is only OK for baths instead of showers, but I won't complain about being forced to relax.

Cynthia Rowley Black Eyeliner: Goes on smoothly and stays put.  I'm anti eyeliner that needs sharpened and doesn't have a smudger on the tube, so I'll use it up,  but would never purchase.

Harvey Prince Imperial Gardenia: I smell flowery (shocking, I know).  It's not really my favorite,  but I'll use it up.  It's not old lady flowery so that helps lol.  Keith liked it!

Marcelle New Age 8 in 1 Power Serum: This goes on well and doesn't leave my face oily or make it feel like there's a mask on it.   I'm anxious to see if it firms and lifts as promised ;)  Smells fine too.

NAOBAY Body Radiance Lotion: When I read it was organic with avocado, I was slightly nervous,  but it went on easily,  didn't feel greasy and smelled very citrusy.  My dry skin seemed a bit softer this morning.

Obviously this box gets 2 thumbs up simply because it didn't have lip junk.  I liked all the products and will definitely use them all!

Monday, July 7, 2014

10 Things That You Might Not Know About Me

I love these random high school lists.  They fill in nicely when writer's block hits.

1.  I was the Mountaineer Mall Santa Claus. A friend was the manager and needed help, so I took the job!

2.  I got married while barefoot in a church.  I despise shoes so I just boycotted them.

3. My favorite word is idiosyncrasies.  I learned it from my favorite movie,  Good Will Hunting.

4.  I have had one cast in my life.  I ended up in it because I thought I could walk in heels/wedges.

5. I have all female cousins, until you dig into my extended/half relatives. 

6.  I'm extremely visually impaired.  My prescription is over 11 in each eye and my depth perception stinks!

7.  I hate salami, salmon, bleeding meat and sweet potatoes.

8.  I've never seen The Wizard of Oz,  It's A Wonderful Life, Sleeping Beauty or a lot of other classics.

9.  I'm triple jointed.  I can do tricks with my arms that make people cringe.

10.  I hoard garden flags,  Gold Canyon Candles and Pampered Chef gadgets.  Well hoard is a bit excessive...I have a nice collection ;)

There are some of my dirty little secrets. :)

So Do You Feel Pregnant?

That's the question my husband asked me yesterday.  Out of no where, he just spit that one out.   He's hopeful and excited....He's always so optimistic.

I want to just yell,  "Nnnnoooooo I don't feel pregnant.  Hell, I'll never know what pregnant feels like."  I don't though.  I don't like to inflict pain on him sooner than I have to.   Sometimes though,  I think that's cruel of me.   False hope seems mean to me.   I'm the realist. 

I'm struggling right now.   Really struggling....I hate not having a plan or a clue on what to do next.  I'm dreading the IVF and/or adoption conversations that are coming....they're the pink elephant in the room.  

Sorry for the pity party.  I hate being the whiney blogger.   But it's life and when you don't feel pregnant it adds some extra "poor me" into the mix.  Not to mention the AS symptoms from hell....Mobic, I miss you so. 

Friday, July 4, 2014


Well I typed this post once and hit discard instead of publish.  So here's the brief version.  Gggrrr

At our scan yesterday,  lefty woke up, but didn't produce 20+ measurements,  so no IUI,  but plenty of timed baby dance instead.  

I'm off of my AS drugs so I'm creeping around like a 90 year old lady.   I'm hoping the 2 weeks of pain is worth it! 

We're off to celebrate the 4th with family, food and pool time.  Oh and I chopped off all my hair.   It was hot and I needed a change :)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Here We Go Again

It's scan day.   We'll see if lefty did anything this month.  Surprisingly I got an early positive ovulation test too, so the timing is perfect. 

Sitting in the waiting room trying not to hurl.....Someone has their toddler here which is just odd. 

Breathe Holly Breathe!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

It's Called A (Unhealthy) Coping Mechanism

I'm an emotional eater. Comfort comes in a plate or a bowl.  I'll never lie or deny this problem.   After Mom died though, I added to the scope of the problem.  Now not only do I eat to deal with grief,  but I cook to help others cope.

My sister used to call for backup when she heard me in the kitchen.  I'd cook enough casseroles,  side dishes and desserts to feed an army.  I'd send food home with Dad,  feed my grandparents and have family over to eat.  It was one thing I could do to fill in for my Mom. 

With time,  I finally quit having these "fits" (not before perfecting homemade chicken pot pie), but I never quite lost the urge. 

So now, with news of a friend's terminal cancer status,  I find myself ready to drag out the bowls and pans.  In between tears,  I told my Dad, "I'll feed them.  It's all I know to do."  In my mind, what else can you do when a young mother and wife doesn't have much longer here on earth?

So tonight,  I'll be making chicken squares,  stuffed shells,  lasagna, pepperoni rolls and whatever else I can mass produce, because food is how I cope.  I'll feed em and hug em, because I know it's what got us through the bad times.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Crazy 8

Eight days of madness and I'm holding on tight!  Please keep in mind I'm on hormones through this all.....

Friday: Court date to resolve outstanding ex wife issues.  We won and I think our lawyer is worth every penny.  Hearing him tell Keith,  "Man,  did you trade up!  There's just no comparison" was good for my (shallow) ego.

Saturday: Yard work,  play date and errands.

Sunday: Laundry, pool time and ran Perry home.

Monday: Thumb therapy and Girl's night

Tuesday: Dermatology followup (clear!) and knee surgeon appointment (knee is shot but won't replace until I'm older.... fantastic)

Wednesday: Thumb therapy and got bad news about a friend battling colon cancer :(

Thursday: Ultrasound to see if lefty woke up.  And I'm taking a vacation day to spend time with my husband.

Friday: IUI and picnics

I can do this.....And the sweet surprise from hubby helped remind me of that!