Monday, March 31, 2014

Urban Decay Yay!

I've mentioned before that I'm cheap.  I choose generics 95% of the time (TP excluded) and I love coupons.  Keith has cringed in shame before while I'm bartering for a damage discount,  whipping out my Cartwheel app or sorting my coupons,  but he realizes I save us a bit of dough with it all. 

I also have a really hard time splurging on expensive things.  Don't get me wrong,  I love Coach purses, but sheesh they're pricey.  Which brings me to another rough one - makeup.   I hate spending money on makeup.   Birchbox is one splurge and I'll buy Clinique eye liner only during the free gift sale.   Other than that I buy it all at Target (with Cartwheel) or get hand me downs.  

Well, I made the mistake of looking at Urban Decay eye shadow online and I found myself drooling.  I refused to pay that much for makeup, but did add it to my birthday list.   MY SISTER BOUGHT IT FOR ME!

It's marvelous.  I've got on more eye makeup than your average street walker lol.  It goes on like butter and the brush alone is super marvelous.  Plus they throw in some primer,  mascara and perfume samples Woohooooo.  

I'm starting to see value in spending money on higher end beauty products.... This could be bad!   Now I'm curious about what other amazing products I've been missing out on.....I need to Google beauty coupons pronto!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mirror Mirror

I made a random discovery this morning.

I was loading my 101 items in the car for work when I accidentally hit the "sunglass compartment" and it flew open.   I grumbled and started to close it when I realized there was a mirror on it.   My first thought was "random place for a mirror," but then it hit me.   It's a mirror to watch your kids in the backseat. 

It baffles me how a mirror could be such a punch in the gut.   A whirlwind of thoughts passed through my mind.  "That's one less thing to register for some day" "Wow, I feel like a soccer mom" "Sheesh that backseat is empty" but mostly "Ouch there's another reminder."

I turned 32 the other day.  Birthdays are scary when you're struggling to get pregnant.   I only got one "You're getting old,  better have a baby soon before you can't."  Yeah - Thanks,  that hadn't crossed my mind.  

At least I could slam the mirror shut when it upset me haha

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Birchbox Love

Curly Hair Solutions Curl Keeper  I love trying frizz fighting products.  This was a typical clear curl gel that did the trick.  I wouldn’t pay the extra cost for this product when I can get something similar in stores for half the price, but I will definitely use the whole sample. I liked that it didn’t feel greasy or smell funny. 

Inika Eyeliner in Green Lagoon  Thank you Birchbox for making me try something I would never try otherwise – green eyeliner.  It went on easily and was a nice change from my basics: black, brown or gray.  I am not a big fan of having to sharpen eyeliner, but at least this one came with the sharpener on the cap to make it easier.  It’s definitely not a $20 investment I will be making, but the sample will be used up!

Juliette Has a Gun Not a Perfume  My sister smelled me a few hours after I had applied this and demanded that I purchase it.  Apparently I smelled quite good, unfortunately the price tag of $120 doesn’t smell so good to me (or my budget) so again, this sample will be enjoyed and added to my “When I become a millionaire wish list.”

Supergoop! City Sunscreen Serum  I will admit that I don’t wear sunscreen on a daily basis (HATE THE SMELL) but this product makes an amazing eye make-up primer. The smell is a little better than most sunscreen and it made my make-up hold on all day.  The anti-aging properties surely can’t hurt these old crow’s feet either!

Jergens BB Body Perfecting Skin Cream  This stuff smells amazing!!  I’ve only tried it on my arms and hands, but so far, I am a fan.  It has a slight tint and doesn’t leave a greasy feel behind.  Depending on the prices in stores, I might splurge for this one!

Since I discovered Birchbox through a blog, I thought I’d share the love on mine!!   It’s a great, cheap way to pamper yourself each month!!  Birchbox

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Business travel

How do people travel for a living?  How do they live their life out of a suitcase?  

Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for the places my company has allowed me to see.  So far Puerto Rico has been my favorite....I definitely plan to go back one day.  But right now, as I eat another breakfast in a hotel lobby,  I just want to be home with my husband and cats. 

We have a young kid in our class (27ish) and we were all making small talk about our lives.   He blurted out,  "I want to get married and have something to miss."  My heart broke for him because I remember being in his shoes.   Now that there's someone waiting for me, I'm dying to pack up and get back.

I will however admit I'll miss my morning Starbucks.  He's my business travel husband and I'll definitely experience some separation anxiety when we're torn apart haha

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Babies, Sunshine, Student Loans and Chuck E Cheese – Oh My!

The babies are invading.  I have one friend being induced Friday, a Facebook/high school acquaintance due any day, a dear friend who is getting closer to her due date, 2 coworkers who are growing daily and a consultant who is preggers and invited me to her baby shower this weekend.  It is definitely baby season.  I currently need to invade the baby section to get some gifts, but after the last trip, I’m trying to save up the energy/strength to tackle it again.
With Keith, Perry and me passing sicknesses around, we’ve had a lot of downtime at the house.  I do chores and regular day to day tasks, but that still leaves a lot of down time.  Usually Keith watches TV downstairs and cat naps and I watch TV upstairs, read, take a nice long soak or play on my phone.  While it is nice to have some quiet time, it still bothers me.  I get waves of “Is this it for the rest of our life?”  “How long before this boring life gets old?” and quite honestly, “Will my husband give up on me and pursue his desire to be a Dad again?.” 
The rational part of me knows that Keith is loving and loyal, but the crazy hormonal part of me hates that I am what is stopping us from reaching our dreams.  We have plans to join local pool/mini gym as soon as I get home from Philadelphia, but in the meantime, I just sit and let my mind wander.   With traveling for work, we have to skip this cycle with Dr. Jerkface, but next month, we are back in the race. 
But enough of my Debbie Downer post, on a brighter side.  We got one day of sunshine and 70 degree temperatures.  I had the downstairs windows open and the cats were loving life!!  I can’t wait to start on our yard, sealing our deck, and some other spring projects.    I need to get some sunshine in a bad kind of way…..I am so pale, I look like Casper.
We also paid off all of our student loans this month……man that feels good!!!  I won’t be missing that debt and I’ve already routed the money we had been paying straight into savings so I am not tempted to go shopping.  Although new deck furniture has been calling my name. 
We did make one splurge and went away for a long weekend.  It was a late birthday celebration for Keith and something fun for Perry.  We just drove to Bridgeville, PA and got a hotel room with an indoor pool, went out for a nice Italian dinner and spent the next day at Chuck E Cheese.  The time change made it extra exhausting, but it was totally worth it to see my boys having fun! 
I’ve got house cleaning and laundry to do this weekend in preparation for leaving for Philadelphia for a week of training and then it’s my birthday week!!  Bring on the fun =)   Of course, I’ll be wishing for a baby when I blow out my candles….let’s hope my 32nd year is the year I become a biological Mama.

Monday, March 10, 2014

It's Mine to Save

Since last Tuesday, I’ve been doing a lot of research and thinking.  The more I learn and read about AS, the more concerned I get.  The idea of being crippled and unable to get relief from pain, is super frightening.  The thought of having to use my walker more than once or twice a year could almost bring me to tears.  I’ve had a few people say, “Oh that’s good that it is just arthritis,” and man do I wish that were true.  The arthritis that most people know, causes extreme aches and pains and creaks (and is surely miserable, not downplaying that), but this one makes joints lose functionality.  It creates surgeries and irreversible damage and causes the aches and pains.  Most arthritis kicks in late in life, I’m 31 and falling apart.  So far, my neck, back (SI joints), ribs, thumbs, shoulder, knees and feet are involved, that doesn’t leave many other body parts.
But this post isn’t meant to be a big ole whiner fest (surprise!), but instead me putting my plans in writing.  No one can fight for my health as well as I can, so here is my semi-public declaration of the lifestyle changes I am making.
1.      Eating healthier.  I am the queen of the yo-yo diet.  If the numbers on the scale don’t magically divide themselves in a matter of weeks, I am over it.  I go back to my old ways and gain 10 extra pounds.  Well, this is stopping.  I am going to eat healthier, unprocessed foods.  I asked my doctor about diet and she suggested the Mediterranean Diet or any diet that promotes unprocessed foods and Omega 3s.  She made it clear that my being overweight is not causing the breakdown like I originally feared, but she said that losing weight can only improve my health and help take strain off my joints. 
2.      Exercising.  AS causes severe fatigue and aching….not exactly ideal for exercise.  I refuse to blame my lack of exercise on this though, I’ve just been lazy.  Going forward, I will be moving more and getting off my butt.  I’m only allowed to swim right now, but soon enough, I can add elliptical, walking and biking back in.  I’m not allowed to pound my joints, so I’ll never be a runner, but I can move more, and make exercise a priority. 
3.      Drinking more water.  I am not a drinker….I can go the whole day without drinking.  I am on a mission to find a water bottle I love and make it my sidekick.  I’ve slipped into an old habit of grabbing a pop or sweet tea while on the road and that HAS to stop.  I refuse to give up my one coffee a day with flavored creamer, because let’s be honest, it is in the best interest of everyone around me, if I don’t give that up.
4.      Getting more sleep.  I am hoping the exercise and lack of random drinks throughout the day will help with this.  I also plan to put myself to bed earlier even if I just lay there and unwind.
5.      Taking my meds.  I hate maintenance drugs…..I quit taking them after a while (hence prenatal vitamins laying in my drawer.)  I will take my pills and faithfully listen to the doc.
So there it is, my plan to save my poor ole body from AS.  On a bright note, all of these things could also aid fertility (minus the RXs), but the bad news is, this diagnosis throws a wrench into having children. 
There are several factors to consider:
1.      It’s hereditary
2.      It affects my ability to receive an epidural
3.      Pregnancy can be 100 times more painful or it could give me relief….there is no norm to how AS patients respond
4.      I would have to quit taking all drugs during a pregnancy
5.      I’ve read miscarriages are more likely in AS patients (something to do with the inflammation, they think)
So yeah.  More to think about.  But for now, we aren’t pursuing fertility treatments, but we also aren’t preventing anything.  We’re letting things sink in and waiting for the results from my next rheumatologist appointment in May. 
Please feel free to pray for us….pray for my joints, pray for Keith’s sanity, pray for strength to stick to my plans, pray for our family.  I’m thankful for the answers God has helped me get, but we’re just starting on this road, and I’m scared of what the future holds. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tangible Grace

After publishing my Debbie Downer post I felt a more upbeat post was needed.   It's time to brag on my husband.

I don't say it enough,  but THANK YOU GOD FOR THE MAN YOU MADE FOR ME.

He stays by my side when I give him every reason to run.   He takes amazing care of me.  He knows when I need him most.  He babies me when I NEED it.

Today he took a vacation day to take care of me (weak and dizzy from food poisoning) and to go to my doc appointment with me.  After bad news he even offered to take me to Kohls to cheer me up (I think he knew I felt too weak to accept but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt.)

I once heard the term "tangible grace" and that's what Keith is to me.... He's my tangible grace and I love that man.

Some Days Life Just Ain't Fair

My thoughts for today:

1. Why can Honey Boo Boo's mother have children and I can't?

2.  On top of that fun,  today I got diagnosed with an auto immune disease.  I can't even say the stupid name let alone wrap my head around it....It's not life threatening (Thank you, God) but it's still a little unsettling.

3.  Some days life just ain't fair (And I can say "ain't" because I'm battling infertility and have Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) so hhmph.)