
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Something New

Today is CD10 and I headed to the doc for a simple scan.  I saw Hippie Santa since my doc wasn't available (hospital rounds) and he decided to throw a curve ball our way. 

My endometrium was awesome, my disconnected ovary had a 13 and a 17 and my good ovary had a..... 23!!!  So he decided it was time for me to do a trigger shot, something I've never done before.  The nurse searched all over town for one and finally sent me to fetch it.   Twenty minutes later and it was administered and I was sent back to work. 

Tomorrow morning is our second IUI.... and I couldn't be more excited!   Prayers are welcome especially that my Unicornuate Uterus cooperates!   We'll go for Keith's appointment at 8, grab breakfast together and go for my appointment at 9.  EEK!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Can't Go Wrong With A Cookie

Well my fortune cookie has the answer to my infertility.  That's a huge relief because so far the rest of us can't seem to figure it all out.

I had another scan and started another round of meds.  Hello Deja Vu. 

I think that's all the sarcastic remarks I have for the night.  Sweet dreams friends!

Friday, April 10, 2015

And Another

Another failed month is behind us.  Another "you're not the winner."
Another single line on the wasted test.
Another month of biting my lip to keep it all in.
Another month of all the uglies.... the jealousy, bitterness and moodiness. 

But still, somewhere there's that stubborn hope that says next month will be better.  The hope that makes me swallow the meds, schedule to appointments and keep on riding this merry go round. 

Our 2 year mark is coming up.  We received an invitation to a memorial service at the hospital where I had the D&C.   Social media was flooded with adorable kids on Easter.  Those things give ya a good ole shakeup....but Spring is creeping in, the trees are budding and things are turning green so I'm reminded God can take dreary and make it new again..... So it's time for another try....maybe this will be the month.

Friday, April 3, 2015

What A Day

It's been a Friday for the books.  I surely didn't see this one coming.  I don't expect anyone to read this, but I'm writing it anyway.

6:30: So rudely woken up by the husband.
8:15: Black load of laundry meets tissue in pocket
8:45: Head to Panera for mango iced tea um I mean breakfast. 
10: Hubby informs me he needs emergency root canal. Rush to the dentist and make myself cozy in waiting room.
12: Finally leave the dentist office. 
12:15: Sit down with stoned husband, order food and he realizes he has a 1pm meeting.   Food is boxed up and we leave.
1: Target, Sams Club - great deal on a brisket and Keith's beloved breakfast sandwiches.  
3: Home to put away groceries
3:30: Pedicure with sister (pretty pale pink)
5: Mall with sister to find wedding attire.  Discover missing diamond in engagement ring so drop it off for warranty work.
6:30: Call husband for dinner order.  Doesn't want anything.  I drive near our house to get my chicken salad ole and call him to tell him I'm homeward bound and guess who wants food? From the restaurant beside the mall I just left. 
7:30: Finally swallow my (cold) dinner whole.
8:15:  Discover not one but two piles of dried cat poop under our spare bed. (Just keeping it real folks)
8:30: Climb in bathtub to soak and pray that tomorrow will be calmer lol.

Days off work are exhausting!